CAPITAL MARKETS, o.c.p., a.s. is a strong securities broker with extensive experience in capital markets. We manage our clients’ funds on a long-term basis, and provide them with an accessible, high-quality, and specialized portfolio of services.

For clients who do not have time to monitor the stock market on daily basis, our experts have prepared a solution in the form of Portfolio Management. We focus primarily on active management of portfolios, and on achieving above-average returns.

In addition to Portfolio management, our company provides services for the purchase and sale of shares based on client’ instruction. We offer direct trading on 22 stock exchanges across Europe and the USA. Moreover, we regularly monitor the world’s largest initial public offerings of companies from all sectors, and we also invest in mutual funds.

We provide unique services not only to our clients but also to financial intermediaries. The company’s priority is the transparency of the investment program and the above-average remuneration of financial intermediaries.
One of the Capital Markets products is InvestingFox.

CAPITAL MARKETS, o.c.p., a.s. is a regulated entity and is subject to the supervision of the National Bank of Slovakia. The Company conducts its business in accordance with a license for the provision of investment services granted by the National Bank of Slovakia, which can be found here. Since 2008 we have been an active member of the Securities Broker Association, and also a member of the American Chamber of Commerce.

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Záujemca o investičnú službu berie na vedomie, že na spracúvanie vyššie uvedených osobných údajov spoločnosť CAPITAL MARKETS, o.c.p., a.s. so sídlom Slávičie údolie 106, 811 02 Bratislava, IČO: 36 853 054 nepotrebuje súhlas, nakoľko právny základ spracúvania je uvedený v § 13 ods. 1 písm. b) a c) zákona č. 18/2018 Z.z. o ochrane osobných údajov a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov. Ďalšie detaily v oblasti spracúvania a ochrany osobných údajov vrátane práv dotknutých osôb, sú uvedené na internetovej stránke Obchodníka v dokumente Privacy Notice (Informácie o spracovaní a ochrane osobných údajov).