Trading with financial derivatives is interesting for those clients who want to take advantage of movements in the prices of commodities, world currencies, indices or shares without owning the underlying assets themselves. This is particularly advantageous for those assets the holding of which is impractical for day-to-day trading. Another specific feature the derivatives offer our clients is the use of financial leverage, i.e. a potentially significantly higher return with a lower deposit. However, the risk of a significantly higher loss is also associated with this type of product.
For information on the opportunities and risks of trading derivatives, specifically CFDs (contracts for difference), visit our dedicated InvestingFox platform. For a practical introduction to CFD trading, we recommend that clients always start with the Demo account version.

In accordance with the NBS methodology, a FINANCIAL DERIVATIVE is an instrument that simultaneously meets the following conditions:
a) its fair value changes depending on the change in the interest rate, price of the security, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, price index, credit rating or credit index, or depending on a similar variable,
b) it does not require initial net investments or requires initial investments that are lower than for other types of financial instruments that similarly respond to changes in interest rates and market factors,
c) it is agreed and settled on a future date, while the time from the agreement of the trade to its settlement is longer than in the case of a spot operation.

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