The portfolio includes equities with a potential evaluation from 15 to 20 percent per year, while the investment committee is deciding on the allocation to individual types of financial instruments based on macroeconomic indicators.

The portfolio are tactically categorized by shares from individual sectors, which ones, in the opinion of the portfolio manager, meet the expectations of the industry. In the event of a worsening outlook for the share price, individual titles will be sold with a stop-loss at a loss.

The pie charts below represent the average allocation for a given type of strategy and are reviewed every three months by the Company’s Investment Committee.

Speculative portfolio

Investment strategy– EUR High risk

Investment strategy– EUR Valued High risk

Investment strategy – USD High risk

Investment strategy – USD Valued High risk

The strategy is designed for investors who prefer long-term evaluation of their investment at a high level of risk, and also are interested in appreciating their money in both currencies, EURO and USD. The strategy is a suitable alternative for investors whose optimal investment horizon is 5 years and they are expecting high appreciation potential with high volatility. An investor with a speculative strategy should be careful of the investment horizon.

Dynamic portfolio

Optimálne portfólio - dynamické

Investment strategy– EUR Dynamic

Investment strategy– EUR Valued Dynamic

Investment strategy – USD Dynamic

Investment strategy – USD Valued Dynamic

The strategy is designed for investors who prefer long-term valorizing of their investment at a high level of risk, and also are interested in valorizing their money in EURO or USD. The strategy is a suitable alternative for investors whose optimal investment horizon is 5 years and expect high appreciation potential with high volatility. An investor with a dynamic strategy should be careful of the investment horizon.

Balanced portfolio

Optimálne portfólio - vyvážené

Investičná stratégia – EUR balanced

Investičná stratégia – EUR Valued balanced

Investičná stratégia – USD balanced

Investičná stratégia – USD Valued balanced

The strategy is designed for investors who prefering medium-term valorizing of their investment at a lower level of risk and are interested in valorizing their money in EURO or USD. The strategy is a suitable alternative for investors with an optimal investment horizon of 3 years, who expect an average return potential at lower risk.

Conservative portfolio

Investment strategy – EUR conservative

Investment strategy – EUR Valued conservative

Investment strategy – USD conservative

Investment strategy – USD Valued conservative

The strategy is designed primarily for investors who prefer lower risk of return on invested funds over the amount of return. Return which is slightly above interest rate on bank deposits is achieved by investing in bonds and in money funds which are comparable with mutual funds. The strategy is a suitable alternative for investors who are considering saving their money for a shorter period of time, while they emphasizes the security of the amount invested.

The portfolio management service is linked to numerous analyzes and model portfolios, which are regularly prepared by the Investment Committee of the company.

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